Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Gratitude: Day 8: Calvin

Calvin is my first born child. He brings me so much joy. This is Calvin, he is one cool little dude:

From the moment I found out that I was pregnant with Calvin, I was the happiest person on Earth. Since the day he was born, he has been everything I've ever wanted in a baby. He was perfect. He slept through the night at two months old. He never really cried. He loved everyone. He loves to cuddle. He was a social baby and a fast learner. He has always been ahead of his age. He loves learning, and talking. He loves Ellie, and loves to give kisses and squeezes. Up until Ellie was born, we never had any real problems with him. I never knew when he was teething because he was always drooly and he never complained. 

But when Ellie was born he missed the full attention, as all kids do. He is getting past it but he like to defy everything. 

Anyway, Calvin has taught me so much. It's great to see the world again through a child's eyes. Everything is so cool, and new. He loves exploring! 

This little boy is sure to bring a smile to your face. He has the biggest eyes, the cutest dimples, and the curliest hair. Here's another picture of him because he's just so dang cute:

This boy has taught me more patience than anything else in my life. (Including waiting for him to be born...) After many months of "being mean" (ei: hitting, biting, yelling, head butting...) we finally found the only solution to be able to reason with him. We tried yelling, time outs, counting to 3, spanking, pretty much everything. The only thing that has worked to make Calvin calm down or not flip out in the first place, is to be calm with him, talk with him, cuddle him, and love him. I've done the "no yelling" thing before but it only lasted about a week, and I have no excuse (even though I was pregnant with Ellie, Mike was gone, and we were moving to a new state...). 

I love this boy with my whole entire heart (like I love Mike and Ellie) and would never want anyone else to be my baby boy. 

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